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Showing posts from May, 2006

Bullets and drops.

It was three forty five in the morning when the mobile phone rang, it was Frank again... but what in the hell does he want at this time of the night?... Frank: What ya doin'? Volan: What ya think pussy? Frank: Sorry for disturbing, but er...well... Volan: Don't be sorry, just do not do it again. Frank: I met Lady Miss Happiness today... At that point I hung up.... went to the kitchen, made a coffee, no sugar, no milk... three forty eight a.m, the phone rang again. Volan: What in the fuck are you talking about. Frank: Mmmm do you remember her?... she used to be a pain in the ass. Volan: Well she is. Frank: She asked whether you are fine... Volan: What ya said? Frank: I haven't seen him for ages I said. Volan: Hey... good girl you are... there was a silence for a minute or two... volan: ya there? Frank: yes i am... er...well.... I need a favor from you, Volan: Look man, it is almost four in the morning... could not you have called me in t...

Border Patrol -a racist game-

The power of video games has been largely argued since its beginning, whether a game is dangerous for children, increases violent attitudes in infants or produce mental disturbances is still matter of study. Yet one does not need to be an expert to realise that some games are certainly racists and purposely developed by “experts” in anti-social behaviour. Border Patrol is one of these examples, the game shows immigrants crossing the border with a sign that reads welcome to the U.S., welfare office this way. The three targets: a Mexican nationalist, a drug smuggler and a breeder -- a pregnant woman with children. The game says ‘kill them at any cost’. At the end of the game, it gives a score with a derogatory term. Games such Grand theft auto: vice city (console game) amongst others, egg on gamers to use violence against the bad boys, which in this case are Latin criminals (in the second version black blockes are the bad chaps), in order to take the control of the situatio...

Entonemos un himno a tu cielo

Buscando en la red una tarjeta de celebracion para mi entranable amigo Kerlames , me tope por esas cosas del destino con un diccionario de Bogotanismos . Muchas expresiones que yo ya habia olvidado estan resumidas en esa pagina, asi que para todos los rolitos y los no rolitos hay les dejo el link. Esta es una seleccion de expresiones y frases como para darles una idea. andeniado, beso ~ Beso que parece en la mejilla, pero que se da en la comisura de la boca. Utilizado mucho en primeras citas y amoríos secretos. Si las condiciones son adecuadas, puede desembocar en rumbeo . En la pronunciación bogotana es muy común omitir la segunda D (" beso andeniao "). bluyin Voz bogotana para referirse la famosa prenda llamada en inglés Blue Jean. La palabra ha perdido importancia respecto a sus composición y significado original en inglés, y se usa en frases algo extrañas pero que llegan a tener sentido. " Me compre una chaqueta de bluyin violenta ", " El James ...