Frank: What ya doin'?
Volan: What ya think pussy?
Frank: Sorry for disturbing, but er...well...
Volan: Don't be sorry, just do not do it again.
Frank: I met Lady Miss Happiness today...
At that point I hung up.... went to the kitchen, made a coffee, no sugar, no milk... three forty eight a.m, the phone rang again.
Volan: What in the fuck are you talking about.
Frank: Mmmm do you remember her?... she used to be a pain in the ass.
Volan: Well she is.
Frank: She asked whether you are fine...
Volan: What ya said?
Frank: I haven't seen him for ages I said.
Volan: Hey... good girl you are...
there was a silence for a minute or two...
volan: ya there?
Frank: yes i am... er...well.... I need a favor from you,
Volan: Look man, it is almost four in the morning... could not you have called me in the afternoon?
Frank: sorry for disturbing you...er...well.....
Volan: what you want?
Frank: Can I borrow you gun?
Volan: what?......
I had a sip of coffee, lighted another cigarrette, walked towards the window and leaned on the window's sill, it was raining and I imagine that the little drops on the double glazing were Miss Happiness.
Frank: Hey...are ya there?
Volan: What do you need it for?
Frank: I am gonna swip her from the face of earth
Volan: But why? Leave her alone, she is Just an stupid gal, she's just a poor sap.
Frank: Can I get it or not?
Volan: Well, but make it clean...right, I do want no troubles... right?
Frank: Cheers mate!...I will pick it up tomorrow morning...
Volan: Ok bye!
Frank: Bye.
I walked towards the chest and hovered for a little while, recalling where the gun was...as I opened the chest's door the phone rang again, it was Frank again.
volan: What is the fucking matter now?
Frank: Please, do not forget the bullets...please.
Volan: okay, bye.
I hanged up and took the gun out of the drawer, turned around a bit to the mirror, rose my letf hand holding firmily the gun and pointed to my image on the mirror.
The next day Frank came to my house and picked up the gun promising to bring it back before midnight.
Frank: Im gonna blow her head off... She is at home right now, thanks volan, see you later man!....thanks again. Volan: Go away!, and remember I do not want troubles.
Frank: No worries, bye.
I spent the afternoon drinking in my room, I was quite drunk after half bottle of Jack Daniel's, all in a sudden the phone rang twice, before the bell rang for a third one I picked up.
Volan: Hello?
Miss H: Hi Volan, I was worried about you, how is it going?
Volan: Worried? yes i bet you were, mmm... m... i'm fine thanks.
MIss H: Are you drinking?
Volan: Yes, so what?
Miss H: Have not you learned your lesson.? Volan: Listen, dear, do not give me that shit now okay?
Miss H: I want to see you, Can I go to your place?
Volan: Where are you?
Miss H: I am at home.
Volan: At home...., right, look I am pretty drunk I think you'd better stay there, also it is quite cold and it has not stopped rainning since last night.
Miss H: Come on Volan, I want to see you...
Volan: Okay, let's meet up tomorrow afternoon, we can have a beer or two and....
MIss H: Hang on a minute, there is someone knocking the door, I will be right back.
Volan: OKay okay, I'm waiting then.
Having said that I had a sip of Jack Daniel's and hanged up thinking about the things I had to do next day during the afternoon.