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Volan's last will.

This is a picture of the envelope I received.

On September the 29th I received a letter sent from London Metropolitan Police’s forensic department. The envelope contains Volan’s death report. I am still recovering from such a terrible moment. As Volan’s closest (and perhaps sole) friend I am in the obligation of publishing these lines on his own blog, as it was his last will.

In strange circumstances my dearest friend Volan passed away in the dawn of the 23rd of September in Homerton Hospital in London. His body was carted off from the churchyard of Saint Paul’s Cathedral after a mad night out with Siobhan (Sweeny), -an Irish-Scottish blues singer whose Volan had just met few hours before in the surrounding areas of Anexo Bar, close to Farringdon Station.

At the moment that the ambulance arrived at the place Volan showed a critical state and almost without vital signals dying
a while after indoors, in the above mentioned hospital.

The death certificated shows a very cryptic language (too technical for a librarian as I am) yet, as far as I am concerned, Volan died due to a heart attack after an excessive intake of various types of alcohol and methedrine, in which is considered a typical suicide.

Miss Sweeny is still being questioned by the London Metropolitan Police in order to obtain more information that leads to know the events previous to his decease.

As I mentioned above, it is my obligation to keep on updating his web blog. To carry out such a pious duty Volan left clear instructions in a letter he kept on him the tragic night. In the letter he forwarded to me all the information I need to access to his personal files, (this includes private information, passwords, phone numbers, and a very tidy list of files in his personal computer.)

The letter I mentioned above was picked up at the Forensic Department on Wednesday the 27th of September beside a mobile phone, wallet, house keys and other belongings (he never used watch though).

It is not my intention to re-create a profile of this bright young boy who ended his life in such a sorrowful way, but to re-publish the documents he intended to share in the cyberspace.

Please keep on visiting this memorial blog.

God rests his soul.

(Rest in peace).

Signed on October the 9th 2006.
Darko Ljubicic.


Anonymous said…
The life is crazy, and we help it.

God rest his soul.
Anonymous said…
Sorry... "Live"
Darko said…
Thanks "muertealltroll" Beloning to a fictional or real dimension is not an absolute concept, however to be alive or not is part of the wholeness, it is a whole concept. Yet Volan is gone -and let us be sad no more- he exists in another dimension though.

Yes Gatto.. life is crazy and sad.

Janny. WHat to think? I dont even think... i spent few hours at night reading Volan's diary and list of things to make and do and just imagine the first time i met him.

Thanks lads!
gloqui said…
No creo, aun no creo... a ver, pensando racionalmente (muy al estilo Molder en los X Files o a los tipos de CSI) si a Volan cuando lo recogió la ambulancia y estaba practicamente en la inmunda, no creo que tuviera tiempo ni cabeza para ponerse a escribirle al Señor Darko toda su informacion personal y enviarsela por correo como afirma en el post, además, uno en esos momentos que siente que la vida le pasa en un segundo antes de morirse, el "last will" en la mayoría de casos siempre va dirigido a los familiares y amigos, una despedida poetica o eso que nunca le quizo decir a fulanito pero ahora lo va a decir... pero a Volan en cambio se puso en la tarea de enviarle el password a Darko para que le actualizara el blog?? No creo... Volan esta vivo.
Darko said…
Dear Gloqui, F. Helped me out to translate your message. It is not my intention to prove you wrong but the letter that I mention in the post was sent by LMP (London Police) not by Volan Himself. LMP contacted me as my name was scribbled (-and he phoned me on monday the 11th ) in a sketch book they found with his belonings (i received all his stuff including clothes. obviously I d never show that in the blog). They opened up that letter and follow the instructions... Volan had stopped drinking more than 6 months ago. he was not a junkie or smoker that is why i presume he killed himself -but i hate just the fact that he did that-. Shioban's version explained that to LMP and they let me deal with his stuff. Home Office department is dealing with his body.

Anyway I am still reading his diary, and information... i will post something soon. Also F (whose i contacted through Volan's mobile)was mentioned several times in the diary...

But, yes Gloky... I do agree... Volan is alive...


Buenas nocjes.
gloqui said…
Mmmmm... well, if it's true, that would be a very sad thing Darko. He died so young (he had my age) and he was a really nice guy. I liked him. So bad he's gone.
Dreamy said…
i really don't understand anything!!!
thundercomb said…
Long live Volan's diary! Was it in his will that his faithful readers should know his innermost thoughts, his personal dramas and stresses and mental caresses?

It's a sign of his good judgement that his true friend should revive his memory so loyally.

May his readers support you in your duty, Darko!
Darko said…
Thanks for that Marts... Volan metioned you name a couple of times in the diary. It seems to me that he appreciated you quite a lot. Also he mentiones someone called "the girl who dances" but I am confused, (believe me It has been such a nightmare to puzzle his diary!!!) as in the following paragraphs me also mentiones "the girl with the yellow amp" whose apparently was going to join "rocky and the new rebels"... but I have not found any other quote in his diary... just another name... Katrina... Honestly... im totally confused... By the way... F helped Volan to build up the blog and ocassionally helped him with pictures and other stuff, I understand they were very close friends (yet they live afar from each other). F. Sent me an e-mail last week in which he turns down my invitation to collaborate in the new blog (he argued a terrible depression-)yet I hope I can convince him on this duty.

Im just wondering who is that girl Volan kept on mentioning... "the girl with the yellow amp" (it is not Shioban as far as I understand as Shioban and Volan met at Anexo!)... I really dont understand...



Long live Volan!!!
thundercomb said…
Darko, it's a small world! If this girl was a member of Rocky and the New Rebels, it obviously means she knew Rocky as well. But Rocky has been detained by hairy problems that are, I believe, by and large of his own imagination, but he says have been invading his world from some other, possibly supernatural or transsubjective reality. It is surprising that he even believes that, given his tendency to view the world with his trademark solipsism. If you ask me, he's also rather enjoying it. Perhaps there's a girl involved somewhere? Could be the one with the yellow amp?
PS: I am almost sure it's not Katrina.

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