Adbusters is a political magazine, founded by Kalle Lasn and Bill Schmalz that is published in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada by the Media Foundation. It is an activist magazine, devoted to numerous political and social causes, many of which are anti-consumerism or anti-capitalist in nature. The Adbusters Media Foundation is a 120,000-circulation magazine, the founder of Buy Nothing Day , and one of the sponsors of TV-Turnoff Week . Adbusters is not-for-profit, and is reader-supported. Adbusters has affiliation with sister organisations such as L'association Résistance à l'Aggression Publicitaire in France , Adbusters Norge in Norway, Adbusters Sverige in Sweden and Culture Jammers in Japan. The Adbusters mission statement: We are a global network of artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age. Our aim is to topple existing power structures and forge a maj...
El mapuche tiene también su encanto. Algunas frases y conceptos los aprendí cuando trabajé en el sur de la Argentina...por la patagonia con escuelas en comunidades barriales en las que había muchos niños/as cuyas familias eran curru wincas...o sea oscuro-blanco
una forma de autodenominarse mestizos.
te comparto una:
Amutuy pu peñi pu ñaña!
algo asi como:
vamos compañeros!
un decir de ánimo ante la adversidad. Literalmente es: "vamos hermano, hermana".