While being back home -Colombia- and zapping in front of the tv I came across a Rock Festival in town, there were several bands and a nice atmosphere, I was enjoying. Yet whithin the group of bands I saw that night I want to remark a band called " Sidestepper ". " Sidestepper " brought to my attention the mix of traditional folk-tune from both, the pacific and the caribeean coast, with a cool modern "fusion" ensamble. I am sure all of you guys down there in the lovely south know about this band, but for the lads over here it might sound like a novelty. If you want to know more about Sidestepper just go here . And enjoy! I cannot close this post without mentioning the sheer beauty of Sidestepper's singers, two gorgeous "mulatas" 100% Colombian. You are listening to "sidestepper's" tune "Donde va mi corazon" *** Estando de vacaciones en Colombia y dandole vueltas al control remoto del TV me encontre con un...