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Showing posts from March, 2006

"Sidestepper" The dog's bollocks!!!

While being back home -Colombia- and zapping in front of the tv I came across a Rock Festival in town, there were several bands and a nice atmosphere, I was enjoying. Yet whithin the group of bands I saw that night I want to remark a band called " Sidestepper ". " Sidestepper " brought to my attention the mix of traditional folk-tune from both, the pacific and the caribeean coast, with a cool modern "fusion" ensamble. I am sure all of you guys down there in the lovely south know about this band, but for the lads over here it might sound like a novelty. If you want to know more about Sidestepper just go here . And enjoy! I cannot close this post without mentioning the sheer beauty of Sidestepper's singers, two gorgeous "mulatas" 100% Colombian. You are listening to "sidestepper's" tune "Donde va mi corazon" *** Estando de vacaciones en Colombia y dandole vueltas al control remoto del TV me encontre con un...

Que sera? que sera?

Yo creo que esta vaina no funciona... a ver si cambiando la musica esto funciona... Bien gente, ahi se les cambio la musica, ahi tienen "perfect day" de Lou Reed. (Si el man de la foto de la derecha). Disfruten y escriban, recibiran premios.!!! Recuerden no hay razon para no deprimirse!...ademas la botella esta siempre medio vacia, y de todas maneras no es para mi... I think this f***ing shait does not work at all... let's see whether by changing the tune it works... Well folks!, I have changed the music, There's "perfect day" by Lou Reed. (Yeeep! the chap in the picture on the right). Enjoy and post comments, You shall win a prize. Remember there isn't reason to not to get depressed!...also the bottle is always half-empty, anyway it iis not for me. Volan

-La muerte es astuta- por SK.

­­Son las 3:25pm, tengo las luces frontales y traseras encendidas, discos reflectivos en el morral y el radioteléfono en ?on? avisándome que tengo que recoger un paquete en Great Portland Street, decido saltarme el semáforo en rojo, antes de hacerlo verifíco ambos costados de la calle, no hay policía, decido maniobrar y tomar Regent?s Street hacia Baker Street, al cruzar de un costado a otro un taxista me madrea, un peatón me madrea y un conductor de bus me madrea, todos me madrean, el cielo me madrea con una nube gruesa y gris que no me deja ver las luces de los semáforos. Recibo un mensaje de texto, SK. Me envía un beso con sabor a vino de pobre calidad, ahora mismo esta tomando un descanso cerca de Barbican, me dice en el mensaje, Pienso en S.K y las tardes del verano y empino hacia Baker Street, doblo a la izquierda buscando Great Portland Street. Ignoro otra luz roja. *** Después de Oxford Street sigue New Oxford Street -sujeta a esa dinámica tan poco matemática- y l...

La plancha esta de luto!!! Again!!! se nos fue una de las grandes

Aun sin recomponerme del golpe recibido al conocer la lamentable muerte de Miguel Gallardo , me acabo de enterar de otra estrella que se nos va, la inolvidable Maria de los Angeles Leras Ortiz , conocida en el mundo artistico como Rocio Durcal . Mi tierna infancia y posterior pubertad estuvo marcada por temas como "amor eterno", "me gustas mucho" o "cuando decidas volver" . Al igual que Miguel Gallardo; ( recordemos: "...deja de llorar, deja de llorar, muchachita de ojos trsites..." ) Rocio Durcal formaron parte de ese supergenero musical denominado "radioplancha". Aqui les dejo un par (tres) de enlaces con algo de Rocio Durcal's greatests Hits. amor eterno. me gustas mucho cuando decidas volver Por otra parte y siguiendo esta terrible racha, mientras buscaba alguna informacion sobre Rocio Durcal me tope con la noticia que Rocio Jurado esta tambien apunto de dejarnos. Espero no tener que hacer un post (mortem) para la otra diva de ...

Drinking beer, oh dear...

Remember what the english-man said to me. "beer and wine, just fine, wine and beer oh dear" I took my bike today, went to town, it was mild, it was quite wet but warm, I pushed three miles in order to get Waterloo Stn, Went to the bank, as usual no intelligent answers from "customer service" I got back, I stopped in an off licence... -Hi mate!!!- -Hi- -How ya doin'- -pretty good ta!- -are ya still selling beer- -yes but you'd better put it into you backpack- -no prob- I bougth some beer, two litres of "evian" water, bread, a half pint of milk, a tin of tuna fish and two tomatoes. I put all that stuff in my backpack and when I was leaving the shop the lad behind the counter asked me with that Indian accent: -are ya new in this place???- and i said: -well, yes... I have just moved in last sunday- -good luck- he said -what time ya close?- I asked -7:30 he said- -quite early- I said -well... 12 hours behind the counter are not easy- he said -yip!!! I ...

Lonely present to Kerlames.... Keep your Kleenex away!!!

All right! chaps. These guys in the picture are Jim Jarmusch and Tom Waits. I must add that this post is a request from a friend of mine who I really appreciate. Kerlames is his name. I remeber that we spent so many afternoons in the lovely south listening to blues, wandering around the city and reading books by Kobe Katsukawa; ("Seven naked servants" was my favourite) who unfortuntely died recently (Your soul; master, will remain for ever) I cannot say so much about him as words cannot fill up the gaps that my vivid memory has already open. A couple of days ago we talked about two chaps we met once upon the time, Fernandez and Cruz, we do not where in the hell they are right now. -I'm sure we will have some news about'em sooner or later- I said. -You're right- Kerlames said. This is just a little present to Kerlames who misses Pandiaco girl somewhere in the lovely south... Spring is here and it is getting warm, Good luck Kerlames and send my regards to Pabon R...

Nagging doubts No 50. Torn inside.........

Sunday... It is sunny, it is bright, it is quite warm in comparison with the previous week, it is the very first day of spring but i am fu**ing depressed and I dunno why... CK says: morning did u have good sleep? Volan says: not really Volan says: what about you? CK says: you will be ok CK says: i didnt do anything today weasted my sunday CK says: weast CK says: waist? Volan says: wasted Volan says: Who cares? Yes CK I did not have a good sleep, and I picked up my matress and i found a dead rat, a horrible stain right at the bottom of the matress (our blood i guess...remember?) and fur from the cat, I saw your name written down on the wall in Katakana characters using markers in various colours, -also there are some child-like flowers scribbled beside it- and I just turned back avoiding that name that lives nine hours from here. Yes I am listening to Chucho Valdes and not that song from Waterloo sunset. I like waterloo, and the river and the breeze and the rolly on my mouth an a beer ...

CK No1

March the twenty-something of a month that is not important anymore. Do you remeber the rain? the wind and the breeze coming towards us, and just in front of us the river, and the beer, and the cigarretes, and your crap rock bands and my crap arguments, and your crap arguments, and my crap excuses and just you and me and the river and my crap excuses.... And you told me you were seventeen and I said "Oh dear! I can be your older brother", and you asked me " how old is your older brother?" and I said "look at the river, and the rain and wind coming towards us, and have a beer, have a fag, and let's lie down and listen to your crap rock bands and my crap excuses. Look at the river, it is pretty dirty isn't it?" You said to me you were seventeen and I replied you never knew what CK No1 means, and you said that is just another crap excuse. Look at the river and the rain, it is pretty dirty isn't it? And you sang that song, another song by your ...

When summer was something I was looking forward

This post shall be quite short. I remember that summer, it was the sort of things I was always looking forward. It is like a tatoo on the back of my brain, like a scar that we know we will keep forever, -surely scar is not the appropriated word. Yet walking down the street from Leicester Square towards Picadilly was nice, getting lost in the maze-like little street of the west-end was too. Nice time we shared together, nice time will come. It was drizzling and warm, a little while perhaps. Volan.

Detaching myself from 75th Tynemouth Road.

It has been four years living in this house, somehow I have started feeling as though I am a piece of furniture; a chair, a lamp, a piece of crap that lies underneath the fridge and no hands have picked it up. Actually I don't quite know what am I writing, I could start with a considerable and accurated list of people I have met in this house, just to make it worse. The list starts as Follows: Tomasz (Pole) Monica (Spaniard) Brian (English) Sasha (Danish) Sven (German) Magda (Spaniard) Run away without paying rent for five months. Felipe (Colombian) Yoong Yin (South Korean) Tarek (French) Marian (Half Algerian half Lithuanian) Aureli (French) Magda (Pole) Konrad(Pole) Jurek (Pole) Cesar (Colombian) -by the way, he was a pain in the arse, a real arsehole. Oscar (Colombian) Julissa (Colombian) Sebastian (Colombian) Giselle (Brazilian) -My room mate for few weeks in such a beautiful summer- Rafal (Pole) Mariusz (Pole) Jimmy (P...