March the twenty-something of a month that is not important anymore.
Do you remeber the rain? the wind and the breeze coming towards us, and just in front of us the river, and the beer, and the cigarretes, and your crap rock bands and my crap arguments, and your crap arguments, and my crap excuses and just you and me and the river and my crap excuses.... And you told me you were seventeen and I said "Oh dear! I can be your older brother", and you asked me " how old is your older brother?" and I said "look at the river, and the rain and wind coming towards us, and have a beer, have a fag, and let's lie down and listen to your crap rock bands and my crap excuses. Look at the river, it is pretty dirty isn't it?" You said to me you were seventeen and I replied you never knew what CK No1 means, and you said that is just another crap excuse.
Look at the river and the rain, it is pretty dirty isn't it?
And you sang that song, another song by your crap rock bands...
"With my spleen in my hand
thinking back.
That was cause of you and to you too,
cause you are the cause and the effect"
Where did you get that lirycs from? that stinks!.... Bollocks No 50
Kind Regards