I took my bike today, went to town, it was mild, it was quite wet but warm, I pushed three miles in order to get Waterloo Stn, Went to the bank, as usual no intelligent answers from "customer service" I got back, I stopped in an off licence...
-Hi mate!!!-
-How ya doin'-
-pretty good ta!-
-are ya still selling beer-
-yes but you'd better put it into you backpack-
-no prob-
I bougth some beer, two litres of "evian" water, bread, a half pint of milk, a tin of tuna fish and two tomatoes. I put all that stuff in my backpack and when I was leaving the shop the lad behind the counter asked me with that Indian accent:
-are ya new in this place???-
and i said:
-well, yes... I have just moved in last sunday-
-good luck- he said
-what time ya close?- I asked
-7:30 he said-
-quite early- I said
-well... 12 hours behind the counter are not easy- he said
-yip!!! I got it...9 hours riding a bike in town are not easy- I said
-but it is just 4:00 o'clock why are you goin' back...?- he said
-broke tha chain, it is raining and I twisted my ancle yesterday tryin' to fix the whashing machine... you know... shit things we've got to do...- I replied
I was leaving the shop and the lady beside the man behind the counter asked me why did I put the bottle of water upside down in my back pack?
-I'll tell ya something... when you ride a bike 9 hours per day you want you water ready, it is just a trick, I just take it out from the back pack, right to my mouth and back again... liked it don't ya?-
-you're a clever chap-
-just get used to do so... we've got to know many secrets doin' this job- I said
-Sure your girlfriend loves ya! you're very nice- she retorted
-She used to..... hava good one- I replied.
Im pushing the bike, I can hear a funny sound in the chain, the back wheel needs some oil, it is getting warm but it is still cold and it is raining, I saw a raven flying over my head, I'm pushig to the south and noone waits for me at home... she's gone
She's gone
Oh dear...