In "the ballad of the sad cafe", a tale of unrequited love, Miss Amelia, a spirited unconventional woman, runs a small-town store and, except for a marriage thet lasted just ten days, has always lived alone. Then Cousin Lymon appears from nowhere, a little strutting hunchback who steals Miss Amelia's heart. Together they transform the store into a lively, popular cafe. But when her rejected husband Marvin Macey returns, the result is a bizarre love triangle that brings with it violence, hatred and betrayal...
Born Lula Carson Smith on February 19, 1917, in Columbus, McCullers was the daughter of Lamar Smith,
Photograph by Carl Van Vechten. Courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division
Carson McCullersa jewelry store owner, and Vera Marguerite Waters. Lula Carson, as she was called until age fourteen, attended public schools and graduated from Columbus High School at sixteen. An unremarkable student, she preferred the more solitary study of the piano. Read more...