"Flip is about to enter "hotel" to volunteer in a series of tests conducted by Dr.Doglin. He is the founder of "preconstruction", a medical organisation that investigates freak accidents. Flip will crash in a car. He feels a bit unconfortable..." learn more...
"Hotel" is just an example out of million of them that recreates narrative from another point of view. Merging traditional storytelling techniques and theories (let us say "diegesys" and so on) with cutting edge possibilities that new media; technically as well as theoretically; provides.
"Hotel" is a excellent website and I strongly recommend you to visit it.
"Hotel" is just an example out of million of them that recreates narrative from another point of view. Merging traditional storytelling techniques and theories (let us say "diegesys" and so on) with cutting edge possibilities that new media; technically as well as theoretically; provides.
"Hotel" is a excellent website and I strongly recommend you to visit it.