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beyond the light

Nelson Pabon 1977-2007 Perrito!... un abrazo a lo Clint Eastwood en 'Por un punado de dolares'. Pero como? Charles Bronson no esta en esa pelicula ... Queda pendiente la cerveza y bueno, pues aqui ya me baje unas a nombre suyo. Van unas canciones + 1 bonus track , de esas que siempre terminabamos escuchando, intoxicados de noche y blues con Gio. Que mal, que mal que yo estuve tan lejos, y que bien nos pudimos reunir este anio, pero que diablos!!!. Queda pendiente la proxima reunion. Un abrazo a la distancia. Espero que le guste la musica, no encontre nada de Kaleth Morales!!! (risas!)

I'll Catch ya later Tito.

These are the kind of news that can spoil a good day, yet my days are not particularly exciting lately ( days full of pain and rain ). Puerto Rican singer Tito Gomez died today in Cali Colombia. Here there is a little homage to Mr Gomez. The song is Guarare, played by Ray Barreto's orchestra and featuring young Ruben Blades and Tito Gomez . Whatever Mr Gomez recorded with Grupo Niche is just irrelevant .

Were G8 Decisions Made in Advance At Bilderberg Conference?

Indymedia, 10 June 2007 Major decisions about defence and economic policies for the entire Western world and official government strategy for tackling climate change are believed to have been made in secret at the Bilderberg Conference in Turkey just before the G8 summit in Germany. US president George Bush and British prime minister Tony Blair are said to have met with bankers, financiers, heads of transnational corporations, media tycoons and royalty to get their orders before attending the G8 meeting. The Bilderberg Conference met in total secrecy in the luxury Ritz-Carlton hotel guarded by Turkish police and plainclothes CIA agents, and no details of the meeting have so far emerged, nor are they likely to unless someone who was present leaks them. There has been speculation that a possible attack on Iran was discussed and there have also been rumours that Bilderberg may be planning to put microchips in peoples' brains to control the population. There is...


FRIDAY 8TH 8PM - NO NATIONS, NO BORDERS People from No Borders London are taking part in protets against the G8 Summit in Rostock, Germany in the first week in June 2007. Demonstrations and meetings around migration and racism will be a major strand of the week's events. On Friday 8th June, there will be a benefit night at RampARTs, London E1, featuring report backs from the G8. Films, footage & feedback from the G8 in Germany Followed by a benefit party for the Gatwick No Border Camp - 19-24 September 07 featuring HEADJAM (dub/ska/punk) + DJ & MC set by DubNeg

chris ede

Freelance illustrator and graphic designer Chris Ede graduated last year with a first class degree. He is now working to develop his career within the illustration industry.

demonstrations in venezuela

Thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the streets of Caracas in protest at the president's decision to close the country's oldest private TV network. Mr Chavez's supporters say Radio Caracas Television (RCTV) backed a 2002 coup which briefly ousted him. But the country's opposition say the decision to close the network is an attempt to silence Mr Chavez's critics.( more )

gemma correll

Cool portfolio by Gemma Correll at

conspiracy and war in iran bilderberg meeting in istambul

Bilderberg To Be Held In Istanbul, 19 May 2007 Following are the highlights from today`s Turkish daily VATAN. The Anadolu Agency is not responsible of opinions expressed or the context of the articles and does not vouch for their accuracy: The annual Bilderberg Meeting, which gathers high level officials from the world business, politics and media circles, will be held in Istanbul this year. The main topics of the meeting are Turkey, Iran and energy issue, Vatan daily writes. According to the daily, the 3-day meeting is an important event during which participants also determine the following year`s agenda. According to authoritative sources, the meeting which will be held from May 31st to June 3rd in Istanbul, will mainly focus on issues such as a probable operation against Iran, energy policies and Turkey`s EU membership process. Previously, two Bilderberg Meetings were held in Turkey, first one in 1959 in Istanbul and the other one in 1975 in Cesme town of Aegean ci...

small world

Hey hey!.... this is the smallest website in the world.


Jeremyville has conceptualised, produced and designed the first major book in the world on the designer toy movement: Vinyl Will Kill!

norman mclaren

Norman McLaren was one of the most significant abstract filmmakers of the British inter-war period. Born in 1914 in Stirling, Scotland, he entered the Glasgow School of Fine Arts in 1932, where he became interested in film and joined the School's Kine Society. His earliest extant film, Seven Till Five (1933), a "day in the life of an art school", was clearly influenced by Eisenstein and displays a strongly formalist attitude. (more)

craig atkinson

Most of Atkinson's illustrations are figurative, but made using abstract processes with each form as a shape or each line as a texture. (more)

Chiquita in Colombia: Terrorism Gone Bananas?

What happens when "Business as Usual" clashes with the vocabulary of the "War on Terror"? We got a glimpse of one case this March when the Cincinnati-based Chiquita Brands International, Inc., paid a $25 million settlement to the United States Justice Department for paying off right-wing paramilitary groups in Colombia, groups which Washington classifies as "terrorist organizations." Chiquita is one biggest and most powerful food marketing and distributing companies in the world, and one of the world’s largest banana producers. The company shows annual revenues of approximately $4.5 billion and about 25,000 employees operating in more than 70 countries.[1] The banana market, worth about $5 billion a year in 2001, is the most important global fruit export. The majority of the 14 million tons of bananas exported every year come from Latin America.[2] The charges state that from 1997 to 2004 several unnamed, high-ranking corporate officers from Chiquita and i...

maestro jose benito barros 1915-2007

Today at the age of 92, Colombian songwriter Jose Benito Barros died. God rest the soul of the creator of countless beautiful songs. (I am due to include some of his creations in the Radioblog.) read (spanish language)

roberto firpo

the 10th of may in 1884 one of the greatest characters for tango music was born. Roberto Firpo , the musician credited with arranging & recording an old student marching song - " La Cumparsita " as a tango for the first time(1917), was born in Las Flores, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina on May 10, 1884 (read) . In the video below, Agustin Irustia sings 'la cumparsita'. Aqui esta su historia en espaniol (ver) .

happy birthday miss helvetica

Today it is the 50th anniversary of one of the most popular typographic font, the 'Helvetica'. There is an interesting article in today's BBC digital edition. Opinion, examples taken from advertisement and corporative design are outlined in it. Let us see: 'The Helvetica font is celebrating its 50th birthday. You've probably seen it a thousand times today. Why? At this moment in boardrooms across the globe, captains of industry are leafing through sheet after sheet of typefaces. There are hundreds of choices, but many of these movers and shakers don't take a lot of leafing before plumping for Helvetica. We live in a world where we are surrounded 24 hours a day by adverts and corporate communications, many in typefaces chosen to subliminally complement the message. (more) .


Neopod is the online portfolio of digital designer Liam Wolf, providing simple and effective digital design solutions for the web. The name Neopod is derived from 'Neo' meaning new and POD standing for ' Place Of Design '. ( visit )


MOCK OPTIC REED ANDERSON draws highly ornate constellations of flora and fauna by folding large pieces of paper into sections, cutting holes into the paper and then applying different layers of color. The drawings are visual palindromes, mirroring positive, negative and dimensional space. (more)


Samson and Delilah c.1613 Copperplate e ngraving, 380 x 440 mm Rockox House, Antwerp SPLEEN by: Charles Baudelaire I'm like some king in whose corrupted veins Flows agèd blood; who rules a land of rains; Who, young in years, is old in all distress; Who flees good counsel to find weariness Among his dogs and playthings, who is stirred Neither by hunting-hound nor hunting-bird; Whose weary face emotion moves no more E'en when his people die before his door. His favourite Jester's most fantastic wile Upon that sick, cruel face can raise no smile; The courtly dames, to whom all kings are good, Can lighten this young skeleton's dull mood No more with shameless toilets. In his gloom Even his lilied bed becomes a tomb. The sage who takes his gold essays in vain To purge away the old corrupted strain, His baths of blood, that in the days of old The Romans used when their hot blood grew cold, Will never warm this dead man's bloodl...

increase your penis size by 50%

MAKE THE PIE HIGHER by George W. Bush I think that we all agree, the past is over. This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses. Rarely is the question asked Is our children learning? Will the highways of the internet become more few? How many hands have I shaked? They misunderestimated me. I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity. I know that the human being and the fish can coexist. Families is where our nation finds hope, where Our wings take dream. Put food on your family! Knock down the tollbooth! Vulcanize society! Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher! (see more)

Teodoru badiu

Badiu's work is a mixture between Cinema 4D and Illustrator, the result is a range of mix media images that Badiu communicate his ideas affectively. (see) .

bullets and drops II

It was three forty five in the morning when the mobile phone rang, it was Frank again... but what in the hell does he want at this time of the night?... Frank: What ya doin'? Volan: What ya think pussy? Frank: Sorry for disturbing, but er...well... Volan: Don't be sorry, just do not do it again. Frank: I met Lady Miss Happiness today... At that point I hung up.... went to the kitchen, made a coffee, no sugar, no milk... three forty eight a.m, the phone rang again. Volan: What in the fuck are you talking about. Frank: Mmmm do you remember her?... she used to be a pain in the ass. Volan: Well she is. Frank: She asked whether you are fine... Volan: What ya said? Frank: I haven't seen him for ages I said. Volan: Hey... good girl you are... there was a silence for a minute or two... volan: ya there? Frank: yes i am... er...well.... I need a favor from you, Volan: Look man, it is almost four in the morning... could not you have called me in t...

Screen-print effects

Check out this tutorial. Taken from ' computer arts ' magazine. Screen printing is a tricky, messy process, but it’s the less than perfect areas that create that distinctive look. Here, Computer Arts regular Derek Lea reveals how to simulate silk-screened imperfections in Photoshop... (start)

sahatarchi pittarong

Sahatarch Pittarong , 23, is a freelance illustrator and a graphic designer. Check out his website. Awesome indeed.

let's give a break to our mother

This is an e-mail and digital invitation going on around the world. Let's switch off the lights, tv, lap tops and other electrical devices tomorrow the 17th of April 2007 from 19:53 to 20:00 . It is just 7 minutes and the benefits for the planet will be notorious. Please spread the word!. I am not fond chained e-mails but I reckon this is a very good reason. Esta es una cyber-invitacion que esta dandole la vuelta a mundo. Apagemos las luces, televisores, computadores personales y demas aparatos electricos manana 17 de Abril de 2007 desde las 19:53 hasta las 20:00. Son solo 7 minutos y los beneficios para el planeta seran notorios. Comuniquenlo a sus amigos, envien e-mails o escribanlo en sus blogs... No soy muy amigo de las cadenas de correos electronicos pero considero que esta es una buena causa.

get the glass

Get the glass es un juego de mesa producido en 3d como parte de la nueva campana de 'got milk' en USA. El objetivo del juego es conducir a la familia Adachi sobre el tablero hacia la nevera, entonces ellos pueden obtener la leche. Usando el raton, el jugador lanza el dado y empieza a avanzar. Al ir avanzando, las casillas generan uno de tres tipos de cartas. Las cartas de la suerte autorizan al jugador para avanzar, las cartas malas devuelven al jugador y las cartas 'inteligentes' requieren que el jugador resuelva una pregunta y asi continuar. Los agentes que cuidan el refrigerador van tras las huellas del jugador y estan al acecho... el resto es innecesario... Interesante el juegito, eso si...toma su tiempo. Los graficos son impresionantes, la interactividad muy interesante al igual que toda la narrativa que maneja. 'Get the glass' es una muy buena respuesta al problema de como implementar un juego de mesa en una pieza grafica digital interactiva agregandole c...

Jim's collection of Worst Album covers of all time

Por ahi dando tumbos en la red me encontre con esta deliciosa pagina , una coleccion de las peores caratulas de discos de todos los timepos. (yo incluiria algunas mas). Browsing again I found this nice site with a delightful series of appalling album covers. Jim's collection

9 de abril 1948 el dia que se jodio colombia

9 de Abril, una fecha que debemos recordar toda nuestra vida. El caudillo del pueblo, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan habia sido asesinado una lluviosa y sucia tarde de abril. Eso dia nos jodimos, o mejor nos jodieron. Desde ese dia, este pais, olvidado por Dios se desangra en un guerra civil. De esos tiempos se recuerda la lucha entre Liberales y Conservadores, ese tiempo se ha llamado 'la violencia'. La gran mayoria de Colombianos somos descendientes de esa generacion tragica, de esa generacion que hizo del imperio de la muerte su pan diario. Hoy en dia, los protagonistas han cambiando, Ya no son Rojos a Azules (ahora son uno solo, corruptos politicos que negocian nuestra riqueza al calor de un whiskey mal habido). Ahora son paramilitares, narcotraficantes y guerrilla, todos hambriento de un poder que el 'oro blanco' les proporciona. Solo una cosa no cambia, la victima. Recordemos esta fecha con tristeza pero tambien con valor para cambiar un pais del que ya nadie se acuerda, de...

Gilbert and George

British sculptors . Gilbert Proesch (Dolomites, Italy, 17 Sept 1943) and George Passmore (Plymouth, Devon, 8 Jan 1942) met in 1967 as students at St Martin’s School of Art in London. By 1969 they were reacting against approaches to sculpture then dominant at St Martin’s, which they regarded as elitist and poor at communicating outside an art context. Their strategy was to make themselves into sculpture, so sacrificing their separate identities to art and turning the notion of creativity on its head. To that end Gilbert and George became interchangeable cyphers and their surnames were dispensed with.( more )

Leopard lady collection

Mmmm Kerlames and Pabon Rabon surely remember this beauty. GENTELMEN!... THE LOVELY DOMINATRIX PIN UP BETTIE PAGE. PAGE'S OFFICIAL WEBSITE. (I have already singed up my membership)

rosa salvaje

Rosa salvaje ("Wild Rose" or "Wild Rosa") is a Mexican telenovela that was broadcasted in 1987. It starred the popular Mexican actress Verónica Castro, who played the main character, "Rosa", co-starring with Guillermo Capetillo as her love interest and Laura Zapata as the villain of the story. This telenovela was a huge success in Mexico, Latin America, Russia, China and the United States and provided the template for numerous other South American soap operas in terms of story, plot twists and characters for years to come. Rosa salvaje es una telenovela mexicana estrenada en 1987. Protagonizada por la eterna diva Veronica Castro, co protagonizada por Guillermo Capetillo y Laura Zapata, la mala del paseo. Esta novela barrio en Mexico, Latin America, Rusia, China y los Esatdps Unidos, igualmente sento las bases para futuras telenovelas en el continente. Muchas telenovelas se podrian llamar secuelas de Rosita salvaje, al igual que el mundo de la musica se v...

I want to love you tender

Just to carry on with the saga of super trash musical video productions I want to share this Jewel dismally performed by Finish artists Army and Danny once upon the 80's (of course). Siguiendo con la saga de super trash video-producciones quiero compartir esta joya pobremente desempenada por los artistas Finlandeses Army & Danny , por alla en los 80's por supuesto.

It's only a line but I like it, I like it.

Después de un accidente en las islas Fiyi el año pasado, el guitarrista de los Rolling Stones Keith Richards , de 63 años, escribe otra página en su particular leyenda al asegurar que inhaló durante una juerga las cenizas de su padre, fallecido en el 2002. ( leer ). La entrevista fue realizada por la revista Britanica NME (rock) aqui se puede leer la entrevista original. Que divertido que es Keith Richards. In an awesome interview given to British rock magazine NME, Rolling Stones lead guitar's Keith Richards admits having snorted the ashes of his own father. I could not help but laugh after reading that part of the interview. Well actually the whole article is very interesting for whose who love the BEST ROCK BAND EVER. ( read )


THE SICK MUSE Poor Muse, alas, what ails thee, then, to-day? Thy hollow eyes with midnight visions burn, Upon thy brow in alternation play, Folly and Horror, cold and taciturn. Have the green lemure and the goblin red, Poured on thee love and terror from their urn? Or with despotic hand the nightmare dread Deep plunged thee in some fabulous Minturne? Would that the breast where so deep thoughts arise, Breathed forth a healthful perfume with thy sighs; Would that thy Christian blood ran wave by wave In rhythmic sounds the antique numbers gave, When Phoebus shared his alternating reign With mighty Pan, lord of the ripening grain. Charles Baudelaire

Islas Malvinas hace 25 abriles

Hace 25 años, un siniestro régimen militar, cuya popularidad caía en picado, ordenó el desembarco de jóvenes soldados argentinos en las islas Malvinas sin una táctica ni una estrategia para enfrentar al poderío bélico británico. Preocupada por el creciente descontento popular, por la crisis económica y los atisbos de reorganización de los partidos políticos, la dictadura que gobernaba Argentina desde 1976 vio en la recuperación de la soberanía del archipiélago una oportunidad para alargar su agonía.( mas ). dos interesantes videos en el link de abajo. Cortos de 'iluminados por el fuego' 2005 Arg. Film basado en la guerra de las Malvinas. 1982: Argentina invades Falklands Argentina has invaded the British territory of the Falkland Islands in the south Atlantic. The islands, off the coast of Argentina, have been a cause of friction between the two countries since Britain claimed them in 1833. ( read )

eternal drafts, dusty, salty winds

Frank has just sent me this picture to my e-mail. He is an old friend of mine, a young brilliant lad I met two years ago. Frank is a loner, so am I, he plays with fire, he's going beyond himself he often says. I can scarcely understand Frank's behavior, He loves Rossini and Albion. I prefer Rachmaninoff and Brahms. Both of us, dwell the murky night. The moon, reddish tonight, hides cunningly behind foggy, milky, dirty clouds. Frank goes beyond himself, I remain still watching the boats sailing away towards the sun, Frank lives in the sun, Frank is made of fire, and plays with it. I left him sail, eternal drafts, dusty, salty winds will push his ship to a circular flame, in which we all shall die.

Let's climb through the tide

This beauty is 'moonlight drive' one of my favorite songs by the L.A chaps!... The Doors . It is highly recommended not to be 'to down on earth' while listening to this. Robby Kriegger is a superb musician, so talentive and resourceful while setting music together.

lars fiske

Lars Fiske , an interesting Norwegian illustrator portfolio.


my pooped heart oozes 'baccy juices Sad pooped heart. Yelled abuse And soupy juices Smear my sad heart. Privates parade Their evening Painting degrades. Magical waves Lift up and save My tainted heart. Quid-spitting done How to go on Poor swallowed heart Their booze and smut My knotted gut My cheated heart? Arthur Rimbaud

the wall of discord

LA TRIPLE FRONTERA Polémica en Paraguay por el muro que Brasil construirá en la frontera La valla se edificará frente a Ciudad del Este. Lo califican de "gesto de hostilidad".( mas ) BRASILIA, Brazil - Brazil will build a wall on a small portion of its border with Paraguay in an effort to combat contraband and smuggling, the government's official news agency said.( more ) Source: Clarin, Buenos Aires.(esp) and MSNBC(eng)

Snowy spring

Just posting a little drawing I made the other day. I think I sketched it out while waiting for a train (It took about 10 minutes to wait for the bloody train) last year. I inked it last week.

rubber johnny

In 2005, music video producer Chris Cunnigham and Musician Aphex Twin worked on a 6 minute experimental short film named Rubber Johhny. The concept for Rubber Johnny came from Cunningham imagining a raver morphing as he danced. The idea evolved to the present film, in which Johnny (played by Cunningham) is an isolated deformed (possibly hydrocephalus) teenager kept on a wheelchair and locked in a dark basement with his deformed chihuahua. Given his situation, he spends his life imagining all kinds of musical psychedelia to entertain. Watch it out .

our latin thing 1971 NY

This is an authentic jewell. Fania all Stars -the best salsa band ever- with all its line up playing in 1971 at the 'cheetaa' in New York City. This is an original footage from the movie 'our latin thing'. A selected group or musicians conformed in 1968 'fania all stars', Tito Puente, Celia Cruz, Héctor Lavoe, Santos Colón, Willie Colón, Rubén Blades, Roberto Roena, Larry Harlow, Mongo Santamaría, Papo Lucca, Nicky Marrero, Bobby Valentín, Cheo Feliciano, Ismael Miranda, Justo Betancourt, Ismael Quintana, Pete "El Conde" Rodríguez, Bobby Cruz and of course the great Ray Barretto , the boy with the hard hands -el manos duras-, Just to mention few of them.

revolting chiquita

The same company that was involved in the slaughter of about 3000 banana farmers in Colombia in 1927 , admits paying paramilitary illegal groups in order to guarantee their security, again in Colombia. Have you ever heard the term 'Banana republic' ? Well it comes due to this company at the beginning of the 20th century regarding its policies in Latin-America. ( more )


Jan Terri 's best-known music video is for " Losing You ". Although a somewhat honest effort is given to the production, the result resembles something one might find on late-night public access television, which provides for unintentional humor for many viewers.( more ) Jan Terry es una cantante de blues Estadounidense. Sus álbumes incluyen Baby Blues y Chic a Go Go. Graduada en Administración de Comunicaciones, artes y entretenimiento del Columbia Collegue en 1983. Mientras estudiaba en Columbia Collegue Terry realizo algunas practicas académicas en Hillside, administrado por una banda de Country llamada Windy City Cowboys, de la que posteriormente Terry se convirtió en Cantante secundaria, presentándose en Possum Pub, in Melrose Park y en algunos Matrimonios. Mientras tanto Terry continuo grabando sus propias creaciones y pronto se dedico a crear videos para sus canciones. Aparentemente uno de los videos de Jan Terry llega a manos de la estrella de rock M...

samorost 2

Samorost 2 is a game designed by amanita design . Give it a try. Flashforward Film Festival 2006. Winner ('original Sound category') Highly recommended in 'best game' and 'most innovative visual effects' category in Gameshadow innovation in games awards. Best web browser game 2007 independent game festival. Seoul Net Festival 2006 Winner.