Poor Muse, alas, what ails thee, then, to-day?
Thy hollow eyes with midnight visions burn,
Upon thy brow in alternation play,
Folly and Horror, cold and taciturn.
Have the green lemure and the goblin red,
Poured on thee love and terror from their urn?
Or with despotic hand the nightmare dread
Deep plunged thee in some fabulous Minturne?
Would that the breast where so deep thoughts arise,
Breathed forth a healthful perfume with thy sighs;
Would that thy Christian blood ran wave by wave
In rhythmic sounds the antique numbers gave,
When Phoebus shared his alternating reign
With mighty Pan, lord of the ripening grain.
Charles Baudelaire
It's always great to read such great words...
By the way....thanks for your super comment on my blog! I really enjoyed it! It just goes to show how the world can be so divided, and how easily war can come about!
It seems as if both countries have a claim on the islands.....
Of course we must think about what would happen to the people who were born there!
As for Panama...It's funny how the U.S always pushed for the end of colonialism, mainly the British Empire! Yet we must remember how, for example, in exchange for aid during WW2 the British had to concede to the US a number of Navel bases in exchange for some outdated WW1 vintage battleships...
The US may well preach obout the end of Empires...while they secretlty build their own!
That's enough of politics...I'd better start thinking aboout Skydiving or I'll go insane (-;
Have a great day and keep up the good work!