Back home, on holiday, I finally found out “Putas asesinas” by Roberto Bolano (advised months ago by Kerlames). Just to mention three stories I was astonished with, “El retorno”; the story of a ghost and, “Putas asesinas” and “Bubba”, a tale of a South American, an African and a Spaniard football players and their adventurous journey in a top class team in Spain… Bolano is a versatile writer; whose combine a good sense of humour, superb imagination and wild narrative that gets anyone from the very first page. Here there is a fragment of Bubba. (Spanish language). For English speakers check this out.
This is a picture of the envelope I received. On September the 29th I received a letter sent from London Metropolitan Police’s forensic department. The envelope contains Volan’s death report. I am still recovering from such a terrible moment. As Volan’s closest (and perhaps sole) friend I am in the obligation of publishing these lines on his own blog, as it was his last will. In strange circumstances my dearest friend Volan passed away in the dawn of the 23rd of September in Homerton Hospital in London. His body was carted off from the churchyard of Saint Paul’s Cathedral after a mad night out with Siobhan (Sweeny), -an Irish-Scottish blues singer whose Volan had just met few hours before in the surrounding areas of Anexo Bar, close to Farringdon Station. At the moment that the ambulance arrived at the place Volan showed a critical state and almost without vital signals dying a while after indoors, in the above mentioned hospital. The death certificated shows a very cryptic language ...