Amidst the selection of stories one can find in this book I want to mention "Money and how it gets that way" which is a parody of "economics" provoked by a post card from Ezra Pound, "The angel is my watermark" and "First Love". Albeit I have not finished yet reading the book I want to mention the very first story in the book: "The hour of man" This essay conveys a great sense of spirituality, it is simple in words but complex in concepts. The more I read Henry Miller the more I realise the mastery of this genious of the literature.
For all those whose are not familiar with Mr Miller, here there is a excerpt from "tropic of Cancer", just to give an example of Miller's prose (regarded for being obscene and pornographic -well in the 30's everything was considered immoral-).
At night when I look at Boris' goatee lying on the pillow I get hysterical. O Tania, where now is that warm cunt of yours, those fat, heavy garters, those soft, bulging thighs? There is a bone in my prick six inches long. I will ream out every wrinkle in your cunt, Tania, big with seed. I will send you home to your Sylvester with an ache in your belly and your womb turned inside out. Your Sylvester! Yes, he knows how to build a fire, but I know how to inflame a cunt. I shoot hot bolts into you, Tania, I make your ovaries incandescent. Your Sylvester is a little jealous now? He feels something, does he? He feels the remnants of my big prick. I have set the shores a little wider, I have ironed out the wrinkles. After me you can take on stallions, bulls, rams, drakes, St. Bernards. You can stuff toads, bats, lizards up your rectum. You can shit arpeggios if you like, or string a zither across your navel. I am fucking you, Tania, so that you'll stay fucked. And if you are afraid of being fucked publicly I will fuck you privately. I will tear off a few hairs from your cunt and paste them on Boris' chin. I will bite into your clitoris and spit out two franc pieces.... (read more)
Texto en espaniol."Por la noche cuando contemplo la perilla de Boris reposando sobre la almohada, me pongo histérico. ¡Oh, Tania! ¿Dónde estarán ahora aquel cálido coño tuyo, aquellas gruesas y pesadas ligas, aquellos muslos suaves y turgentes? Tengo un hueso en la picha de quince centímetros. Voy a alisarte todas las arrugas del coño, Tania, hinchado de semen. Te voy a enviar a casa con tu Sylvester con dolor en el vientre y una matriz vuelta del revés. ¡Tu Sylvester! Sí, él sabe encender un fuego, pero yo sé inflamar un coño. Disparo dardos ardientes a tus entrañas, Tania, te pongo los ovarios incandescentes. ¿Está un poco celoso tu Sylvester ahora? Siente algo, ¿verdad? Siente los rastros de mi enorme picha. He dejado un poco más ancha las orillas. He alisado las arrugas. Después de mí, puedes recibir garañones, toros, carneros, ánades, san bernardos. Puedes embutirte el recto con sapos, murciélagos, lagartos. Puedes cagar arpegios, si te apetece, o templar una cítara a través de tu ombligo. Te estoy jodiendo, Tania, para que permanezcas jodida. Y si tienes miedo a que te jodan en público, te joderé en privado. Te arrancaré algunos pelos del coño y los pegaré a la barbilla de Boris. Te morderé el clítoris y escupiré dos monedas de un franco..." de "Tropico de cancer". (leer mas)