No one here,
and the body says: whatever is said
is not to be said. But no one
is a body as well, and what the body says
is heard by no one
but you.
Snowfall and night. The repetition
of a murder
among the trees. The pen
moves across the earth: it no longer knows
what will happen, and the hand that holds it
has disappeared.
Nevertheless, it writes.
It writes: in the beginning,
among the trees, a body came walking
from the night. It writes:
the body's whiteness
is the color of earth. It is earth,
and the earth writes: everything
is the color of silence.
I am no longer here. I have never said
what you say
I have said. And yet, the body is a place
where nothing dies. And each night,
from the silence of the trees, you know
that my voice
comes walking toward you.
Paul Auster.
Paul Auster is the author of Disappearances: Selected Poems (1988) which offers a large sampling from the many books of poetry he published in the 1970's. His novels include Timbuktu (1999), Mr. Vertigo (1994), Leviathan (1992), The Music of Chance (1990), Moon Palace (1989), In the Country of Last Things (1987) and the three novels known as the "New York Trilogy": City of Glass (1986), Ghosts (1986) and The Locked Room (1987). He has also written two memoirs, The Invention of Solitude (1982) and Hand to Mouth (1997), and a book of critical essays, The Art of Hunger (1992). He also wrote the screenplay for the movie Smoke (1995) and was co-director (with Wayne Wang) of Blue in the Face (1995). Most recently he wrote and directed the film Lulu on the Bridge (1998). His other works include The Random House Book of Twentieth Century French Poetry (1982), which he edited, and numerous translations of French writers and poets, including Jacques Dupin, André du Bouchet, Joseph Joubert, Stéphane Mallarmé, Phillippe Petit, Maurice Blanchot, and Pierre Clastres. In 1996, some of this work was gathered in Translations. His newest book is I Thought My Father Was God and Other True Tales from NPR's National Story Project. Among the many awards given to his work are the Morton Dauwen Zabel award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters (1990), the Independent Spirit Award for best screenplay (1996), and the Prix Médicis for the best foreign novel published in France (1992). His work has been translated into twenty-seven languages
Uno de mis autores favoritos. Mr Paul Auster. Si desean conocer sobre su obra pueden hacerlo aqui. En cualquier libreria pueden comprar una copia de "desapariciones" (1947) y leer el poema que esta arriba -pero en espanol-. Disfruten de este autor y olvidense de Paulo Cohelo. Solo agrego una cosa.... una tarde de otono venia del trabajo, pase por la biblioteca y mientras me bebia una birra lei ..."you are my absence"... la primera linea de un poema de Auster y descubri que estaba leyendo a un ode los grandes escritores norteamericanos.